Terms & Conditions
Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the materials herein at the time of going live, however no responsibility will be taken for any errors or omissions. The information set out herein, including any specification, illustration, perspectives and plans, is indicative only, subject to change without notice and does not form part of any sales agreement of the Unit. Prospective purchasers acknowledge that they have had a reasonable opportunity to seek legal, technical and other advice or information and that they have either obtained that advice or information or have decided not to do so of their own accord. The Specification herein is for guideline purposes only and does not constitute an offer or contract.

Any incentives, rebates, subsidies provided by the developer are applicable to specific homes.

1.95% Interest Rate

The Interest Rate Subsidy will be based off the interest rate difference between the actual mortgage rate applied by your bank and the effective (subsidised) rate offered at the time the loan amount is drawn down.

The maximum Subsidy that will be offered is limited to a discount of 5.05% on the bank’s 1-year fixed mortgage rate.

The Interest Subsidy is applied on a Borrower’s loan balance based on the bank’s fixed interest rate that applies for one year.

(Further T’s & C’s available. Make an appointment with our sales team)